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Bishop Andrew's personal appeal for aid to Pakistan following historic flooding
Record floods have affected the Indian subcontinent in recent weeks, with Pakistan being particularly hard hit. Government officials have taken drastic steps to mitigate the damage in a region where over 1300 have died and tens of thousands have been displaced.
ACC Bishop Mushtaq Andrew reports that his city is safe, but floods have affected parishes and mass centers in the Provinces of Sindh and southern Punjab. The Diocesan Committee for flood-relief has taken a decision to assist by providing food, clean drinking water, mosquito nets, clothes, medicine and other items.
Bishop Andrew states that "as people of God, it is our religious and social duties to wipe away the tears of those who are in misery.
Our words and actions can bring light and hope into the lives of those who suffer.
Donations can be made through the Saint Paul Mission Society and earmarked "Pakistan."