Catholic Faith
Apostolic Order
Orthodox Worship
Evangelical Witness
The new Anglican Altar Missal takes its inspiration from the Anglican Missal in the American edition, published in 1961 by the Frank Gavin Liturgical Foundation.
The missal is printed on 60 pound matte white paper with gilded edges. Signatures are Smyth Sewn and 10 colored ribbons are bound into the spine. Heavy-duty book boards are bound in genuine leather and all three sides are stamped in gold leaf.
Ten multi colored ribbons (purple, white, red, green, and black) are sewn into the spine to assist in marking pages.
The new Missal contains the Ordinary and Canon from the English (1549), American (1928), South African (1954), Canadian (1962), and Indian (1963) Prayer Books, along with a parallel text of the Gregorian Mass in Latin and in English.
A diagram for censing of the altar has been included, and a new supplement containing propers for Anglican worthies has been added as well.
Like the original English Missal, produced by the Society of SS Peter & Paul, the interior of this volume features more than a dozen black-and-white drawings by renowned Anglo-Catholic illustrator, Martin Travers.
To pre-order your copy, visit the Anglican Parishes Association Book Publisher. Please note, pre orders for the missal should be done separately from other orders.